Question No. 11 & 12
PARAGRAPH WRITING: Gender Discrimination
Gender Discrimination is a common matter in our country. Gender Discrimination refers to attitudes, expressions and actions that differentiate human beings as men and women, primarily, in respect of their biological identity. A human being is born free. That is to say, an individual has right to have a free life. But the traditional customs, beliefs and systems of our society neglect women’s right. From the ancient period our society is male dominated. So naturally males exercise control over the female. Gender Discrimination in Bangladesh begins at birth. The birth of a female child is not regarded as a happy event in our country. She is regarded as a liability and parents think that she has come to add to their misery. Her parents always think of getting her married off even before she attains physical and mental maturity. The status and security of women in their husbands houses depend on the dowry. If the expected dowry is not given, the members of the husbands family torture her and sometimes in extreme cases, she may be killed. In most of the families, women do not play any role in decision-making. They are confined to household chores. Traditionally low priority is given to female education in our society. It is found that the female students are 24.5 percent as against 75.5 percent male students in the university level. The proportion of employed women is much lower than that of women. Even the employed women have to do household works. Women constitute half of our total population. Without their participation in the economic activities, no development of our country is possible. So, we should make the women well educated and self-reliant.
আরও পড়ুনঃ
Deforestation paragraph for HSC
লেখক: সহযোগী অধ্যাপক, ইংরেজি বিভাগ
আদমজী ক্যান্টনমেন্ট কলেজ, ঢাকা