4.3.1 Now, read the note on ‘Paraphrasing’ and ‘The techniques of paraphrasing a text’ given below. Then, in pairs/groups, discuss what you have learnt about it. Later, share your understanding with the class.
Question: What is paraphrasing?
Answer: Paraphrasing is process of rewriting a text in your own words and your own way.
Question: What are the techniques of paraphrasing a text?
Answer: We can paraphrase a text following these three techniques:
a) By using synonyms.
b) By Changing sentence structure.
c) By adding or removing words.
So, to paraphrase a text you have to use synonyms, change structures and add or remove words. But you can not change the information and the original message of the text.
4.3.2 Now, Read the following text and paraphrase it. Later present it in front of the class.
Question: Education is one of the most important factors for the development of a country. An educated nation ensures prosperity and maintains the sanctity of society. Besides, education helps people to be respectful of others opinions and extend their hands when necessary. The purpose of education is not to make you first or second but to help you to be a better person.
Answer: Education is one of the most significant factors for the progress of a country. An educated nation guarantees prosperity and preserves the sanctity of society. In addition, education assists people to be respectful of others views and extend their hands when needed. The aim of education is not to make you first or second but to support you to be a better person.
মো. নজরুল ইসলাম, সিনিয়র শিক্ষক
সাভার অধরচন্দ্র সরকারি উচ্চবিদ্যালয়, সাভার, ঢাকা/আবরার জাহিন