Paragraph Writing
An Ideal Student
An ideal student is someone who has some special qualities. Generally a good student has some qualities. But the student who learns his lessons regularly and avoids all those that stand against his way to study is called an ideal student. An ideal student must be truthful and honest. He is obedient to his superiors. He should always speak the truth and never tell a lie. He ought to develop love for his own country. He must be ready to dedicate his life for the welfare of the country. An ideal student participates in co-curricular activities. He also takes part in games and sports because a sound body develops a sound mind. An ideal student always helps the weak student in study. He must be diligent, punctual and co-operative. He is very interested in doing social work. He knows that student life is the seed time. So, he must take the best preparation for the struggle of life. He loves his parents, the younger ones and respects the teachers and the seniors. He never goes against any law of the institution as well as the country. His mind is like the clear sky. An ideal student is the embodiment of good qualities and is a role model to be followed. An ideal student is loved by all. So, he gradually becomes an idol as well as a model for all students.
লেখক : সিনিয়র শিক্ষক, ইংরেজি
আইডিয়াল স্কুল অ্যান্ড কলেজ, মতিঝিল, ঢাকা